1573 foolproof

今天我们要学的词是 foolproof. Foolproof的意思是“简单有效的”,“不会出错的”。Social networks whose target audience is kids, acknowledge that there may be no foolproof way to block online predators. 那些以儿童为主要消费者的社交网站承认,能完全阻止网络人身侵害的方法也许并不存在。As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney once proposed a foolproof death penalty law that guaranteed only the guilty could be executed. 美国共和党总统候选人米特•罗姆尼在当麻州州长时曾提起一项死刑法,据说可以万无一失地确保只有真正犯罪的人才被处决。好的,今天我们学习的词是 foolproof,foolproof,foolproof...
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