3261 hand hands off

今天我们要学的词是 hands-off. Hands-off is spelled h-a-n-d-s dash o-f-f, Hands-off. Hands-off意思是放手的,不插手的。The EU-backed International Contact Group on Venezuela called for a more hands-off approach. 由欧盟支持的委内瑞拉国际接触团体呼吁在委内瑞拉问题上采取更为放手的方式。Large numbers of Venezuelan citizens have signed a petition against possible US intervention have asked for a hands-off policy. 很多委内瑞拉人在一份请愿书上签字,反对美国干预,要求别国采取不插手的政策。好的,我们今天学习的词是 hands-off, hands-off, hands-off ...

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