1566 stop short of doing

今天我们要学的词是 stop short of doing something. Stop short of doing something 意思是没有做某事。有报道说,美国总统奥巴马签署了一份秘令,授权美国军方向叙利亚反叛武装提供支持,不过,The White House has so far stopped short of directly arming the rebels. 美国政府迄今为止尚未直接向叙利亚反叛力量提供武器装备。美联储上星期开会,对美国的经济复苏状况表示失望,但是与此同时,The Federal Reserve stopped short of offering new monetary stimulus. 美联储并没有宣布实行新的货币刺激措施。好的,今天我们学习的词是 stop short of doing something, stop short of doing something, stop short of doing something...
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