美国会议员支持川普在河内峰会不达成协议的立场 US Lawmakers Back Trump's No Deal Stance at Hanoi Summit

U.S. senators of both parties endorsed President Donald Trump’s decision to cut short a summit with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un if no nuclear accord acceptable to the United States was on the table.

“No deal is better than a bad deal,” West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin told reporters in Washington Thursday.
西弗吉尼亚州民主党人乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)周四在华盛顿对记者表示:“未达成协议也比达成糟糕的协议要好。”

“Part of the art of the deal is knowing when to walk away,” Republican Mike Rounds of South Dakota said on Capitol Hill. “I’m glad he [Trump] exercised it that way and had the wherewithal to say, ‘Even though I want a deal, this is not the right time.’”
南达科他州共和党人迈克·隆斯(Mike Rounds)在国会山表示:“谈判的艺术之一就是知道什么时候离开。我很高兴川普这样做了,并且有资本说,‘即使我想达成协议,现在也不是正确时机。’”

“If the president and the team there did not think we were likely to get something good, then it’s good that we didn’t give up anything,” Virginia Democrat Tim Kaine said.
弗吉尼亚州民主党人蒂姆·凯恩(Tim Kaine)表示:“如果总统及其团队认为我们不太可能得到好的结果,那么我们不做任何让步就是对的。”

“I certainly don’t want any president to sign off on a bad deal, but usually enough homework is done in advance to anticipate, if not predict, the outcome — in this case, apparently, that wasn’t done,” the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, Dick Durbin of Illinois, told VOA.
参议院民主党人二号人物、伊利诺伊州联邦参议员迪克·德宾(Dick Durbin)告诉美国之音,“我当然不希望任何总统签署一个糟糕的协议,但通常会提前做足功课,哪怕不能预测结果,也要做到心里有数。而这次显然没有做到这一点。”

“Diplomacy by narcissism doesn’t work,” Hawaii Democrat Mazie Hirono said. “I don’t think the president is capable of forcing any kind of a deal on Kim Jong Un. I think Kim is very clear on what he wants — he wants our troops out of the DMZ [Korean Demilitarized Zone].”
夏威夷州民主党人广野庆子(Mazie Hirono)表示:“自恋外交不起作用。我不认为总统有能力把任何形式的协议强加给金正恩。我认为金正恩非常清楚他想要什么—他希望我们的军队撤出朝鲜非军事区。”

By contrast, Republicans praised Trump’s overall effort.

“The president should be commended for his personal commitment to persuading Kim Jong Un to pursue a different path,” Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said. “It was smart to bring Kim Jong Un to Singapore [for the first summit last year] and to Vietnam to expose the North Korean delegation to the kind of economic prosperity that could be possible if he were to choose a new path.”
来自肯塔基州的参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)说:“应该赞扬总统致力于说服金正恩走上不同的道路。将金正恩带到新加坡(去年第一次峰会)和越南,让朝鲜代表团看看外面的经济繁荣,这是非常明智的。如果金正恩选择一条新的道路,这种繁荣对朝鲜来说也是可能的,”麦康奈尔说。

Analysts also weighed in.

“Trump correctly emphasized principles and long-time allies over a premature peace declaration and his new-found relationship with Kim Jong Un,” Korean affairs researcher Bruce Klingner of the Washington-based Heritage Foundation said. “While details remain unclear, it appeared North Korea offered only its Yongbyon nuclear facility in return for removal of all sanctions. While tempting, a bad deal is indeed worse than no deal.”
总部设在华盛顿的传统基金会韩朝韩事务研究员布鲁斯·克林纳(Bruce Klingner)表示:“川普正确地强调了原则和长期盟友,而不是过早的和平宣言以及他和金正恩新建立的关系。虽然细节尚不清楚,似乎朝鲜只愿意以宁边核设施换取取消所有制裁。尽管诱人,但是糟糕的协议确实比没有协议更糟糕。”

“It could have been worse,” Atlantic Council Senior Fellow Robert Manning said. “And it also illustrates the perils of top-down diplomacy.”
大西洋理事会高级研究员罗伯特·曼宁(Robert Manning)表示:“原本情况可能会更糟,这也显示了这种自上而下外交手法的危险。”

Manning said the summit would have yielded better results if U.S. and North Korean negotiators had hammered out the framework of an agreement ahead of the encounter.