缅甸民主运动先驱吴温丁逝世 Veteran Burmese Pro-Democracy Campaigner Dies

吴温丁参与创建全国民主联盟,向缅甸军政权发起挑战,此后成为缅甸服刑时间最长的政治犯。1989年,吴温丁被送进监狱,昂山素季遭到软禁。吴温丁 2008年获释后,继续参与全国民主联盟的工作,呼吁军方交权。他说,只要军方继续在政界占据主导地位,缅甸就不可能实现民主。
Win Tin, a prominent journalist and the co-founder of the pro-democracy opposition in Burma, also known as Myanmar, has died at the age of 84.

National League for Democracy officials said Win Tin died Monday.  The former newspaper editor founded the National League for Democracy with Aung San Suu Kyi.

A NLD spokesman said Win Tin was "a great pillar of strength" and his death is "a great loss" to the NLD and the country.

Win Tin became Burma's longest-serving political prisoner after challenging military rule by establishing the NLD.  In 1989, Win Tin was sent to prison, while Aung San Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest.  He was freed in 2008 and continued to work with the NLD, calling on the military to relinquish power.  He said democracy would never come to Burma as along as the military continued to dominate the political landscape.