
    This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.

    One of the largest air shows in the United States is also one of the largest trade shows in the aircraft industry. AirVenture is taking place this week at an airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

    Ron Wagner is from the Experimental Aircraft Association, which holds the event each year.
    罗恩·瓦格纳来自每年举办这场盛会的美国实验飞机协会(Experimental Aircraft Association,简称“EAA”)。

    RON WAGNER: "Nearly every major manufacturer is represented and a lot of minor, smaller ones."

    Visitors can find everything from old passenger planes to new unmanned aircraft, like the Predator drone.
    游客们可以找到一切机型,从老式客机到最新的无人驾驶飞机,例如“掠夺者”无人作战机(Predator Drone)。
    But Ron Wagner says the spirit of the event is best represented by the pilots and engineers who build their own aircraft.

    RON WAGNER: "Much of the modern innovation has come from the home builder community. We are really and truly very fortunate here in the United States. We have a lot of freedom to build and design airplanes for our own use and build them and fly them."

    AirVenture ends Sunday in the American Midwest. This year there is greater interest in electric-powered aircraft.

    But if you are more interested in fast cars, here is a new turn in the world of motorsports.

    The Speed Sisters are a racing a team of eight Palestinian women in the West Bank. The team is a dream come true for Suna Aweidah, the captain.
    “竞速姐妹”(The Speed Sisters)是约旦河西岸一个由8名巴勒斯坦女性组成的车队。对队长苏纳(Suna Aweidah)而言,这个车队意味着梦想成真。

    But not everyone was happy to see her in the driver's seat of the BMW race car she drives.

    She says her family thought motor racing was not safe and mainly for men. But she says there is no sport that is especially for men or especially for women.

    SUNA AWEIDAH: "I think that driving -- many of the people think that driving is just for men. I don't think that. I think that driving is driving for women, for men. It's a sport. And we can compete [with] men in all kinds of sports."

    In June, the Speed Sisters became the first all-female racing team to compete in the Speed Test, a popular race in the West Bank. They faced some mechanical problems. But one of them finished in the top ten.
    今年6月,竞速姐妹成为第一个参加约旦河西岸一项热门赛事Speed Test的全女性车队。她们遇到了一些机械故障。但她们中的一人完成比赛并进入前十名。

    The team includes Muslims and Christians, mothers, a librarian, a business student and a woman who competed in a beauty pageant. Two of the drivers were born into racing families.

    The Speed Sisters received money from the British Consulate in Jerusalem to buy a race car. They also received driving lessons and guidance from two British women in motorsports, Helen Elstrop and Sue Sanders.
    竞速姐妹从英国驻耶路撒冷领事馆获得赞助购买赛车,她们还从2名英国赛车专家海伦(Helen Elstrop)和苏·桑德斯(Sue Sanders)那得到驾驶培训和指导。

    Ms. Sanders says she knew right away they had the drive to succeed.

    SUE SANDERS: "When Suna particularly said to me 'I really want to be best,' it was just such an instant affinity. And it really didn't matter whether we had the same language or the same culture, but we actually had the same passion and the same desires to achieve things."