逮捕姆拉迪奇 塞尔维亚走上融入欧洲之路

    This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

    This week, Serbia arrested one of Europe's most wanted men. Former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic spent sixteen years in hiding. He is accused of genocide and other crimes during the war fought after Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence.

    The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia announced charges against Mr. Mladic in nineteen ninety-five. He is charged with the killing of eight thousand Bosnian Muslim men and boys that year at Srebrenica, a town on the border of Serbia. Srebrenica was supposed to have been protected as a United Nations "safe area."

    Mr. Mladic is also accused of ordering or carrying out war crimes during the three years in which Sarajevo was surrounded and attacked.

    His son, Darko Mladic, says his father is not in good health. He also says his father believes he is not guilty of the charges. But on Friday, a court in Belgrade ruled that Ratko Mladic is healthy enough to be tried in the Netherlands. His lawyer said he would appeal the ruling.

    Russia, an ally of Serbia, has called for a fair trial.

    The capture of Mr. Mladic was a condition for Serbia to become a candidate to join the European Union. Another condition has been the capture of former Croatian Serb political leader Goran Hadzic, who has yet to be arrested.
    抓捕姆拉迪奇是塞尔维亚成为欧盟候选国的条件之一。另一个条件是抓捕尚在潜逃的克罗地亚塞族前政治领导人戈兰·哈季奇(Goran Hadzic)。

    The wartime political leader of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic, was captured in two thousand eight. He also faced charges in The Hague, but his trial was suspended. Former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic also went before the tribunal, but he died during his trial.
    战争期间的波斯尼亚塞族政治领导人拉多万·卡拉季奇(Radovan Karadzic)于2008年被捕。他也面临海牙的审判,但对他的审判已经暂缓。前塞尔维亚总统斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇(斯洛博丹米洛舍维奇)也面临审判,但他在审判过程中去世。

    Serbia has been under intense international pressure to arrest Ratko Mladic. President Boris Tadic announced that he was arrested Thursday morning. The former general was at a farmhouse in a village about one hundred kilometers from Belgrade.
    塞尔维亚在姆拉迪奇问题上一直承受着巨大的国际压力。博里斯·塔迪奇(Boris Tadic)总统宣称姆拉迪奇于本周四早上被捕。这位前将军藏身于距贝尔格莱德约100公里外的一个村庄的农舍中。

    The arrest happened during a visit by Catherine Ashton, the foreign policy chief for the European Union. But President Tadic dismissed the suggestion that the government could have acted sooner.
    这次逮捕发生在欧盟外交政策负责人凯瑟琳·阿什顿(Catherine Ashton)访问期间。但塔迪奇总统否决了政府应该尽早行动的建议。
    BORIS TADIC: "We are not making calculations when and how to deliver. We are doing that because we truly believe this is in accordance with our law."

    The Serbian president said there will be an investigation into how Mr. Mladic avoided arrest for so long.

    Kada Hotic from the Mothers of Srebrenica Association accused Serbia of knowingly hiding a man she calls a "monster." Still, she and other family members of victims welcomed the arrest, while some Bosnian Serbs expressed anger.
    斯雷布雷尼察母亲联合会的Kada Hotic指控塞尔维亚故意庇护被她称为“怪物”的姆拉迪奇。尽管如此,她和其他受害者家人对这次逮捕表示欢迎,而一些波斯尼亚塞族则对此表示愤怒。

    JAMES KER-LINDSAY: "Many Serbs, yes, do regard Ratko Mladic as some sort of hero."
    詹姆士·科尔-林德赛(JAMES KER-LINDSAY):“是的,许多塞尔维亚人都认为姆拉迪奇是某种意义上的英雄。”

    James Ker-Lindsay is an expert on southeast Europe at the London School of Economics.

    JAMES KER-LINDSAY: "They look to the events that took place in Bosnia and rather than seeing him as a military leader of an act of aggression rather view him as being the defender of the Bosnian Serb people. So in that sense, there is a certain degree of latent support for him."

    But Mr. Ker-Lindsay says Serbs are conflicted because they understand that their country's future has to be a part of Europe.

    JAMES KER-LINDSAY: "It's not about forgetting what took place in Bosnia or, indeed, the entire Western Balkans in the nineteen nineties. But it's about recognizing that Serbia's got to atone for this, pay its price and move on. And people understand that Mladic is absolutely central to that process."
