Letting Religion Into the Classroom, but Setting Limits


    美国的公立学校必须在宗教方面保持中立,尽管他们在圣诞节这样的节日也会放假。宪法规定宗教与政府分离。研究员Charles Haynes解释了宪法的规定。

    Charles Haynes:“‘国会无权立法尊重某种宗教的设立,也无权禁止有关宗教的自由活动。’这些文字为我们处理公立学校宗教问题提供了框架。”

    这些文字是宪法第一修正案的部分内容,修正案保障了言论自由和其他权利。Charles Haynes是研究言论自由问题组织第一修正案中心的高级学者。


    Charles Haynes表示,总体来说,学校做得比较好。

    Charles Haynes:“我认为,公立学校理解自己的作用是使学生以公平,客观的方式学习不同的宗教。他们的作用是保障学生的宗教自由权利。如果他们希望表达自己的信仰,他们可以这样做。但是按照第一修正案,学校官员在宗教方面不能表明自己的立场。”

    Hollie Jones在佛吉尼亚劳登郡做了六年的老师。每年12月份,她都让学生制作关于自己家宗教庆祝活动的海报并在班级中展览。学生们对这些海报进行讨论,然后张贴在学校的墙壁上。那么,这些庆祝仪式都代表了哪些宗教呢?

    Hollie Jones:“回顾过去四年,有些学生展现的是犹太光明节,有一些是非裔美国人的宽扎节,还有一些是圣诞节。过去还有人描述过中国的新年。今年,有一个学生的父亲来自冰岛,他制作的海报是关于冰岛精灵学校。他讲述了他们所代表的不同的精灵,他们的名字以及意义。”


    Hollie Jones:“我有许多学生来自混合文化家庭,可能他们的妈妈庆祝犹太人光明街,而父亲庆祝另外一个不同的节日,所以,学生本人在家什么样的节日都庆祝。”

    Hollie Jones说,孩子们经常询问关于其他家庭的传统的问题。

    Hollie Jones:“这真的非常有趣,因为对于许多孩子,尤其是一年级的学生来说,他们不知道其他家庭发生着不同的事情。所以,不必要将其他宗教施加在他们身上,但是在我们的课堂上,我们只是要让学生意识到各种宗教庆祝节日的差异和多样性。”

    Charles Haynes说,这就是美国公立教育的目标之一。

    1.neutral a.中立的,中性的,无色的,无明显特性的

    例句:neutral principle of taxation

    2.prohibit v.禁止,阻止,不准许

    例句:Smoking in this railway carriage is prohibited.

    3.thereof ad.关于…,将它,它的

    例句:All citizens of the United States are ruled by the laws thereof.

    4.framework n.构架; 结构,准则
    例句:The block of office buildings was built of concrete on a steel framework.

    5.guarantee vt.保证,担保

    例句:We can't guarantee our workers' regular employment.

    6.celebrate vi.庆祝,祝贺,举行

    例句:The church bells ring to celebrate the wedding.

    7.diversity n.多样化;(人在种族、民族、宗教等方面的)多样性

    例句:Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not diversion.

    8.objective a.客观的,外在的,受词的

    例句:To present an opinion in the guise of an objective report.

    9.blended adj.混合的,融合的

    例句:Feeling and setting happily blended in the poem.

    10.unaware a.不知道的,没觉察到的,未意识到的

    例句:He was unaware of her accomplishments.

    1.Public schools in the United States have to be neutral about religion, even though they close for holidays like Christmas.

    even though即使、虽然,可以引导让步状语从句

    例句:Even though he was getting angry, his voice remained level.
           即使他非常生气, 他的声音仍保持稳定。

          He's the best teacher even though he has the least experience.
          尽管他经验最少, 但教得最好。

    2.Those sixteen words provide the framework for how we deal with religion in our public schools.

    provide 提供[(+for)]

    例句:On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.


    例句:Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.



             句型:supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. to sb.       例如:
        Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables. 我们的农场为市场提供水果和蔬菜。

       All our classrooms are supplied  with electric lights.

     provide 提供,供给;是比较常用的,可以提供任何东西。

         句型:provide sb. with sth.或provide sth. for sb.    例如:

       She managed to provide her children with food and clothing. 她设法使她的孩子有饭吃,有衣穿。

    3.So public schools now I think understand that their role is to expose students to learning about different religions in a fair way, an objective way.

    expose to使易受, 使受

    例句:They have exposed the enemy's plot to the light of day.

           He exposed himself to great danger.

    4.But school officials under the First Amendment may not take sides in religion.

    take sides站在…一边,支持…,偏袒…

    例句:Jon has refused to take sides with his parents.

    5.Each December, she has her students make posters about their own celebrations at home and present them to the class.

    have sb do sth

    have + sb.(宾语)+ do sth.(宾语补足语)”意为“让/ 叫/使某人做某事”。此结构中的 have 是使役动词,sb. 作宾语,其后的 do sth.是省去 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:

      The boss often has them work for 14 hours a day.

      老板经常要他们一天工作14 个小时。

      I'll have someone repair the bike for you.


     have sb./sth. doing

      “ have +sb./sth. (宾语)+ 现在分词(宾语补足语)”意为“叫/让/使某人做某事或让某种情况发生”。宾语 sb./sth .后面用现在分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语与现在分词表示的动作之间为主动关系,且动作正在进行。例如:

      Don't have the baby crying! 不要让婴儿啼哭!

      Don't have the dog barking much,Lilin. 李林,别让狗狂吠不停。

      You'd better have your car running slowly. 你最好把车子开慢点。

    6.So it's not necessarily imposing other religions on them, but just kind of creating a sense of awareness in celebration of how different and diverse just within our classroom we are.

    not necessarily未必,不一定

    例句:Clouds do not necessarily forecast rain.