NASA's Final Apollo Missions: The Last Footsteps on the Moon

vt.尊敬, 授予荣誉, 承兑, 实践
n.荣誉, 头衔, 信用, 尊敬, 名誉, 阁下, 勋章

例句:He was even prepared to die in order to defend the honor of his family.

2.calmly ad.平静地, 安静地, 冷静地

例句:Speak calmly if you think you're in the right; there's no need to get angry.

3.surface n.面, 表面, 水面, 外表, 平面

例句:To reach the petrol sometimes you need to dig something like 2 km below the surface.

4.permit v.允许, 容许, 可能, 使放手做

例句:They absolutely will not permit you to photograph any of the art work in the museum.

5.reflect v.被反射, 映出, 深思, 考虑, 指责

例句:The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners.

1.Apollo Twelve lifted off only four months after the Apollo Eleven flight.

lift off起飞

例句:The plane lifted off with a loud sound.

2.The astronauts soon fixed the electrical problem. The situation returned to normal.

return to normal恢复正常

例句:The line is being rush-repaired and the power supply will return to normal in half an hour.

3.They collected rocks and set up scientific equipment.

set up设立【化】调定; 装置妥; 装置妥当; 装置; 装备; 建立

例句:Almost all the countries have set up some barriers to protect national industries.

4.Now, once again, the moon was beyond human reach.

once again再一次

例句:Let's go over the draft once again.

beyond reach 超出某人/某事能力之外,够不着

例句:He was beyond reach of human aid.