
    The World Health Organization says obesity rates are rising in Pacific island countries. So, too, are health problems linked to being overweight.
    世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)称,肥胖率在太平洋岛屿国家正呈现上升趋势。因此,健康问题也是由体重超标引起的。

    The WHO says a major reason for the rising obesity rates is an increase in imported foods. It says many Pacific islanders have replaced their traditional diets of vegetables and fruits with imported processed foods.

    Dr. Temu Waqanivalu is with the World Health Organization's South Pacific office in Suva, Fiji. He says many of the imported products lack nutritional value. But they are widely available, he says, and often cost less than healthier foods.
    Dr. Temu Waqanivalu是世界卫生组织南太平洋办公室的工作人员,该办公室位于斐济苏瓦(Suva,Fiji)。他说,许多进口产品缺乏营养价值,但是随处可见,而且比健康食品便宜。

    TEMU WAQANIVALU: "In some of the places, you'd be amazed to see how a bottle of Coke is cheaper than a bottle of water. I think that represents the kind of off-environment we've created that doesn't really encourage or make lifestyle choices an easy choice for the population."
    Temu Waqanivalu:“在一些地方,你会惊奇地看到一瓶可乐比一瓶水更便宜。我认为这代表着我们造成的一种非正常环境,这种环境无法使我们人类的生活方式更美好。

    Dr. Waqanivalu says the increase in imported foods is only part of the problem. He says problems with agriculture production limit the availability of healthier foods. And a lack of physical activity among many Pacific islanders only adds to the obesity problem.
    Dr. Waqanivalu说进口食品的增加只是部分原因。此外,农业生产问题限制了健康食品的供应,而太平洋岛民缺乏身体锻炼也加重了肥胖问题。

    The WHO says more than fifty percent of the population is overweight in at least ten Pacific island countries. The rate is as high as eighty percent among women in the territory of American Samoa. Fiji had the lowest obesity rate at thirty percent.
    世界卫生组织称至少有10个太平洋岛屿国家中50%以上的人口体重超标。美属殖民地萨摩亚群岛(American Samoa)的妇女肥胖率是80%。斐济的肥胖率最低,仅为30%。

    In all, almost ten million people live in Pacific island countries. The WHO estimates that about forty percent of them have health disorders related to diet and nutrition.

    Diabetes rates are among the highest in the world. Forty-seven percent of the people in American Samoa have diabetes. So do forty-four percent of the people in Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand.

    By comparison, the diabetes rate is thirteen percent in the United States, a country that has its own problems with rising obesity.

    Officials also note an increase in nutritional problems like anemia and not enough vitamin A in the diets of Pacific islanders. Dr. Waqanivalu says treating conditions related to obesity and diet puts pressure on limited health resources and budgets.
    官员们还注意到太平洋岛民贫血和饮食中缺少维生素A等营养问题也在上升。Dr. Waqanivalu说肥胖和饮食的治疗状况给有限的医疗资源和预算带来了压力。

    Earlier this year, leaders of island nations met in Vanuatu for the first-ever Pacific Food Summit. Dr. Waqanivalu says the issues are finally getting the attention they deserve.
    今年早些时候,岛屿国家领导人在瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)召开的首届太平洋食品峰会上会晤。 Dr. Waqanivalu表示,问题终于得到了应有的重视。