Health Reform Fight Heats Up in Washington










    高收入家庭是另外一个问题。增加高收入人群的税收来支付该计划费用的提案遭到不仅来自国会共和党的反对。由富人社区新当选的众议院民主党人士也提出批判,其中包括Blue Dogs,众议院温和派和保守派民主党人的联盟。

    民意调查显示,大多数美国人希望进行医疗改革。在本周发布的USA Today/Gallup民意调查显示,44%的被调查者同意奥巴马对该问题的解决方法。但是50%的人反对。同时,49%的人不同意奥巴马对经济问题的处理。而5月份同意的人占55%。

    1.intensify v.强化

    例句:My first failure only intensify my desire to succeed.

    2.guarantee v.保证, 担保

    例句:A firm foundation can guarantee the stability of the building.

    3.coverage n.覆盖的范围, 保险总额, 新闻报导

    例句:It would be better for you to sign up for blanket insurance coverage.

    4.penalty n.【经】罚金(款), 违约金

    例句:The law prescribes the penalty.

    5.deficit n.赤字, 不足额

    例句:Our country suffers from an unsustainable budget deficit.

    6.release vt.释放, 解除, 放松, 豁免, 免除, 发布, 放弃, 让与

    例句:They will talk to an intermediate before they release the results.

    1.But he had to give up hope for both houses of Congress to pass bills before their August break.

    give up放弃

    例句:How many times have I advised you to give up smoking?

    2.The government provides coverage only for old people and the poor.

    the poor穷人
    the+形容词表示一类人,相当于poor people.

    3.He held a nationally broadcast news conference Wednesday night that centered on health care.

    center on集中于,相当于focus on

    例句:As I said before, we need to focus on the customers and their needs.

    1.This week, President Obama continued to push for health reform as debate over his plan intensified.

    as 引导的状语从句
          1) as 引导时间状语从句,意为“随着 …… ”,常与比级连用。
    We get wiser as we get older.
    2)as 引导让步状语从句。需将表语或状语前置,有时也可用 that / though 代替 as 。

    Clever as he was, he often failed in examinations.

           3) as  引导比较状语从句。与 than 引导的比较状语从句类似,有时从句用部分倒装。

    2.Yet an estimated forty-six million Americans are uninsured.



    I have failed, yet I shall try again. 我失败了,但我还要尝试。

    The judge was stern, yet completely fair. 法官很严峻,却完全公正。

    They are the same, yet not the same. 它们又一样,又不一样。

    It is strange, yet it is true. 那真是怪事,然而却是事实。

    I’ve been away only for three years, yet I can hardly recognize my hometown. 我仅在外三年,可我几乎认不出我自己的故乡了。

    He said he was our friend, yet he wouldn’t help us. 他说他是我们的朋友,但却不肯帮助我们。

    3.But not all jobs offer insurance.



    一、 all 的否定式:not all…(或:all…not)表示"并非都……"、"不是所有的都……"例如:

    Not all men can be masters. (= All men cannot be masters.) 并非人人都能当头头。

    Not all bamboo grows tall. 并非所有的竹子都会长得很高。

    二、 both 的否定式:not…both (或:both… not) "并非两个……都……" 例如:

    I don't want both the books. 我不是两本书都要。

    Both (the) windows are not open. 两扇窗子并不都开着。

    三、 every…的否定式:"不是每……都……" 例如:

    Not every book is educative. (或:Every book is not educative.) 不是每本书都有教育意义的。

    Not everyone likes this book. 并非人人都喜欢这本书。

    This flower is not seen everywhere. 这花并不是随处可见的。

    四、 always的否定式:"并非总是(并非一直)……" 例如:

    He is not always so sad. 他并不是一直都这样悲伤。

    五、 entirely, altogether, completely 和quite 的否定式:"不完全……","并非完全……" 例如:

    The businessman is never to be entirely trusted. 不可以完全信任商人。

    He felt not altogether satisfied. 他并不完全满意。

    I don't agree completely. 我并不完全同意。

    What he did was not quite proper. 他做的不十分妥当。

    六、 all the time 的否定式:"并非一直……"、"未必老是……" 例如:

    A foolish man doesn't make a mistake all the time. 笨人未必老是犯错误。

    七、 not…and…的否定式,被否定的往往是and后面的那一部分。 例如:

    He did not speak clearly and correctly. 他讲得清楚但不正确。

    This film is not interesting and instructive. 这部电影有趣但无教育意义。

    She cannot sing and dance. 她会唱歌但不会跳舞。

    如果将and 换成or,not 对其后面的两部分就全盘否定了。

    He did not speak clearly or correctly. 他讲的既不清楚也不正确。

    如要对上述的all, both, every, always, 以及entirely, altogether, completely, quite 和 all the time 等词作完全否定,那就

    分别要用与之相对应的全否定词,如no, none, neither, no one, never, not (never)… at all 等。例如:

    All of them can do it.--- None of them can do it.

    Both are good.---Neither is good.

    Everybody likes it. ---Nobody likes it.

    He is always late. --- He is never late.

    We don't trust them entirely. --- We never trust them at all.

    He was here all the time. --- He was never here.