
    This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

    This week, in the United States, dissident Republicans succeeded again in defeating more established candidates within their party. Seven states and the nation's capital held primary elections on Tuesday to choose candidates for the November elections.

    There were more victories for supporters of the Tea Party movement. This movement centers on cutting taxes and government spending. It brings together conservatives and libertarians -- strong believers in individual liberty.
    茶叶党运动支持者又一次赢得胜利。该运动焦点集中在削减税收和政府开支方面,汇集了保守派和自由派人士 -- 坚定信仰个人自由主义。

    The name comes from the Boston Tea Party, a colonial tax protest in seventeen seventy-three.

    This week, attention centered on the victory of a supporter in the small eastern state of Delaware.

    CHRISTINE O'DONNELL: "Don't ever underestimate the power of We, the People!"
    克里斯蒂娜·奥唐耐(Christine O'Donnell):“永远不要低估我们人民的力量!”

    Christine O'Donnell won the Republican nomination for the Senate seat formerly held by Vice President Joe Biden. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin supported her. But many people never expected Ms. O'Donnell to defeat Representative Mike Castle. Now, many say she is too conservative to appeal to Democrats and independent voters.
    奥唐耐获得了竞选之前由副总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)占据的参议院席位的共和党提名,前阿拉斯加州州长萨拉·佩林(Sarah Palin)是她的支持者。但是很多人都没想到奥唐耐能战胜众议员麦克·卡斯尔(Representative Mike Castle)。目前,多数人表示称她过于保守,难以赢得民主党和中间选民的支持。

    Public opinion surveys show that voters are angry at Congress -- and unhappy even with their own member of Congress.

    Candidates supported by Tea Party activists won primaries earlier this year in Colorado, Connecticut, Kentucky, Nevada and Utah. But the biggest test yet will come when they face Democrats on November second.
    今年早些时候,茶叶党支持的候选人在科罗拉多州、 康涅狄格州、 肯塔基州、 内华达州和犹他州赢得了的初选。但最大的挑战即将来临,他们将在11月中期选举中面对民主党。

    Voters will decide all seats in the House of Representatives and thirty-seven of the one hundred seats in the Senate. Republicans are fighting to retake Congress from the Democratic Party of President Obama and make gains in state elections.
    届时,选民将决定众议院(House of Representatives)的所有席位以及参议员100个席位中的37个。共和党人正致力于从奥巴马领导的民主党手中重新夺回国会控制权并赢得大选。

    Peter Brown at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut finds that about one in eight voters support the Tea Party movement. He says the big question is whether the activists will be as successful in getting people to vote in November as in the Republican primaries.
    康涅狄格州奎尼匹克大学(Quinnipiac University)的彼得·布朗(Peter Brown)发现,将近八分之一的选民支持茶叶党。他称最大的问题是,茶党人士在11月中期选举中是否能像初选一样赢得选民支持。

    Also this week, the Census Bureau reported that the nation's official poverty rate was fourteen and three-tenths percent last year. It rose by just over a full percentage point from two thousand eight.

    Almost forty-four million people were in poverty, the third year of increase. The number included one in five children.

    The poverty rate was the highest since nineteen ninety-four. But the number of people was the largest since estimates began in nineteen fifty-nine.

    One-fourth of blacks and Hispanics were in poverty. So were twelve and a half percent of Asians and almost nine and a half percent of non-Hispanic whites.

    A family of four that earned less than about twenty-two thousand dollars last year was considered to be living below the poverty line.

    Also, the number of people with health insurance decreased last year -- the first drop since records began in nineteen eighty-seven. Almost seventeen percent of the population lacked coverage.

    People can lose insurance when they lose their jobs or change to part-time work. The health care law passed by Congress in March aims to get almost every Americans insured in the coming years.