
    This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

    On Tuesday, the United States will hold congressional and state elections in a year defined by voter dissatisfaction. Democrats are trying hard to excite their party's base of support in an effort to limit Republican gains.

    That base includes young people. Two years ago, two-thirds of voters under thirty voted for Barack Obama. Now, the president is urging them to remember that excitement and his campaign for change. His efforts to reach young voters include appearances on MTV and "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" along with college visits.
    其基础支持者包括年轻人。两年前,2/3的30岁以下的选民支持奥巴马。现在,奥巴马号召他们追忆当时的激情和他的变革竞选。他通过在MTV节目、《乔恩每日脱口秀》(The Daily Show with Jon Stewart)上露面,以及对大学进行访问来获得青年选民支持。

    Recently he spoke to about thirty-five thousand people at Ohio State University.

    BARACK OBAMA: "And now we are not just advocating change. We're not just calling for change. We're doing the hard work of change -- we're grinding it out. Sometimes it's frustrating. We're delivering change inch by inch, day by day. It's not easy. Believe me, I know it's not easy."
    奥巴马:“现在我们不仅仅在提倡变革和主张变革。我们正在实践变革这项艰难的工作 -- 我们正在苦干实干。有时它让人感觉挫败,但我们正一天天、一点点地做出变革。这并不容易。但相信我,我知道这并不容易。”

    Zach Howell, president of the College Republican National Committee, could have said the same thing two years ago. But he says this year is "completely different." He says more young people are proudly identifying themselves as conservatives and as Republicans.
    大学共和党全国委员会主席扎克·霍威尔(Zach Howell)两年前也曾说过同样的话。但他称今年“完全不同”,更多的年轻人自豪地将自己标榜为保守党和共和党。

    ZACH HOWELL: "It is all about the economy. That is everything to them. I mean, twenty percent of college graduates are unable to find work right now. So young people are concerned about their futures."

    Sixty percent of college students approved of the job President Obama was doing in May of last year. That number was down to forty-four percent in a recent Associated Press-mtvU survey.

    Heather Smith is executive director of Rock the Vote. Her group tries to get young people to become politically active. She says schools need to provide more civics education and states need to continue their efforts to make voting easier.
    希瑟·史密斯(Heather Smith)是“摇滚投票”组织的负责人。该组织试图让年轻人积极参与政治活动。她称,学校需要提供更多的公民教育,而州政府应该继续努力使投票更简便。

    More and more Americans vote early; some states even let people register and vote on the same day. But Ms. Smith says the voter registration process may be one reason why young people are less likely to vote.

    HEATHER SMITH: "They are new to the process and that means that for the majority of them, they need to register to vote for the first time."

    But getting more people -- especially young people -- to vote is harder in years without a presidential election.

    Young voters are getting a lot of attention. Yet the group AARP, which represents millions of older Americans, says candidates should keep something in mind. The group says two-thirds of voters this November could be age forty-five and older.
    年轻选民受到了很多关注。代表数百万的美国老年人的美国退休人员协会 (America Association of Retired Persons 缩写AARP)表示,候选人应该记住一点,今年11月,2/3的选民年龄可能都在45岁以上。