Breathing Easier: Ways to Control Asthma

1.estimated adj.估计的

例句:I had estimated spending no more than $300 but in the end I spent a lot more.

2.abnormal a.反常的, 不规则的, 变态的, 畸形的

例句:The climate in recent years has been so abnormal, the temperature in winter even sometimes gets up to 20 Centigrade!

3.immune a.免疫的, 免除的, 不受影响的

例句:This patient's immune system has been destroyed.
4.wheeze n.喘气声, 喘息

5.westernize (使)西洋化, (使)欧化

1.Asthma is a serious lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe.

makes it difficult to breathe宾语补足语

  We made him captain of our football team.
  The news that our team had won made us very happy.
  The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go out.
  The strange noise made us frightened.
  He couldn’t make himself heard above the noise of the traffic.
  What makes the grass grow?
  注意:过去分词作make的宾语补足语时,变为被动语态不用加to; 但当不定式作其宾补时,变为被动语态一定要加to。
  The boy was made to work twelve hours a day.

2.They say it feels as if someone is sitting on them.

as if好像

例句:It appears as if he was right, but actually he was not.

3.When asthma is most severe, the person may have extreme difficulty breathing.

have difficulty doing 做某事有困难

例句:I have difficulty remembering names.

4.Allergies are abnormal reactions of the immune system in response to otherwise harmless substances.

in response to回应

例句:Improvements were done in response to our customer's demands.

5.It is attached to a mask that he placed over his mouth and nose.

attach to  适用于;归因于;属于;伴随

例句:I attach great importance to education.