Revisiting the Accord From Copenhagen

1.outer a.外面的,外部的,外层的

例句:Reading books about outer space is interesting. Someday I want to be an astronaught.

      The undercoat of this dog is soft and dense and of sufficient length to support the outer coat.

2.declaration n.宣布,宣告,声明,宣言

例句:He was in favour of the declaration of a truce.

3.compromise n.妥协,折衷,折衷案,和解

例句:If moderates fail to reach a compromise, the extremists will dominate the agenda.

4.hack v.黑客入侵

5.intensify v.加强,强化

1.The Copenhagen Accord sets a goal of one hundred billion dollars a year in aid to help poor nations with climate control by twenty-twenty.

set a goal树立目标

例句:Many young people are torn between their ideals and reality and cannot set a goal for their future.

2.The accord states that limiting temperature increases to no more than two degrees Celsius is necessary to stop the worst effects of climate change.

no more than not more than

no more than =only只有,仅仅,只不过

There are no more than a hundred people in the hall.大厅里只有100人。

not more than=at the most不超过,至多

There are not more than a hundred people in the hall.大厅里至多100人。