
    This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

    Last week, we talked about the conflict between sleepy teenagers and early morning classes. Many people commented on our website and Facebook page.

    For example, Damla Ece in Turkey wrote: I agree with the idea of starting lessons later so teenagers can feel better in the morning. But sleeping more than seven hours can be wasting time for students.
    例如,土耳其的Damla Ece写道:我赞成推迟上课的想法,这样青少年在早上能感觉更好。不过,睡眠超过7个小时对学生们来说可能是浪费时间。

    Tran in Vietnam disagreed: I think teenagers, on the average, need eight to ten hours of sleep everyday. It's useless trying to force them to concentrate while they can't concentrate.

    Enilton Neymakes in Brazil goes to sleep late and wakes up in the afternoon. That's my life, but at least I am studying.
    巴西的Enilton Neymakes表示他睡觉很晚,然后下午起床。他说,那就是他的生活,但是至少他一直在学习。

    Afshin Heydari from Tehran says schools should start early to avoid heavy traffic later in the morning. And Suze from Jordan wrote: When I was a teenager, I enjoyed taking my courses as early as possible. That way I could find a long time in the day to do my own activities.
    德黑兰的Afshin Heydari说,学校应该早开课以避免早上晚些时候的交通拥堵。约旦的Suze写道:我青少年的时候,我喜欢尽早上课,那样我发现,一天中有很长的时间可以做我自己的事情。

    But Azra from Kyrgyzstan said the reason schools start early there is a lack of classrooms.

    Omid in Afghanistan calls teenagers the destiny makers of a society. So they must be more alert and active in order to be more successful.

    And Joruji in Japan wrote: When I was a teenager, I used to get up before six to go to school, which was far from home, and I don't remember having problems. I think nowadays the Internet, TV games and cell phones make teens go to sleep later.

    Thirty-year-old Kika in Spain says: In my opinion, young people are very lazy.

    But Dennis Jin disagrees: For high school students in China, we must reach class at six-twenty in the morning and be back home usually at ten in the evening. Then we'll have some extra schoolwork to do. Can you imagine how long could we sleep every day?
    但是Dennis Jin表示反对:对于中国的高中生来说,我们早上必须6点20到校,晚上通常10点才回家。然后我们还有额外的作业要做,你能想象出我们每天能睡多长时间吗?

    Teenagers are not the only ones who suffer. Kathy in Canada wrote: My daughter likes complaining about everything in the morning, and I know that this is from lack of sleep. I wish schools should change their start time to eight-thirty or nine a.m.

    Vidara Mom, a Cambodian living in New Zealand, says school starts at nine and finishes at three p.m. Therefore the students have heaps of times to interact and play before they go home.

    Wibi Sebastian from Indonesia wishes school started at seven-thirty instead of seven. But one thing, don't forget to eat breakfast!
    印度尼西亚的Wibi Sebastian希望学校7点半上课,而不是7点。但是有一件事,就是不要忘记吃早饭。

    And Naima Star in Libya wrote: Getting up so early in the morning and leaving the warm bed is so difficult, especially in the cold weather. It reminds me of that old song: "It's nice to get up in the morning, but it's nicer to stay in bed."
    利比亚的Naima Star写道:早起离开温暖的床是非常困难的,尤其在寒冷的天气里。这让我想起一首老歌:“早上起床是高兴的,但是赖在床上更高兴。”