American History Series: The Final Surrender

1.surrender v.投降,自首

例句:The enemy had to cave in and surrender.

2.approval n.赞成,同意,批准,认可

例句:Prevent records from being altered without approval.

3.establish v.建立,设立;安置,使定居;确立,使确认

例句:They can now establish outright dictatorship.

4.interfere v.干涉,干预;妨碍,打扰;抵触,冲突

例句:The authorities did not interfere with us.

5.obey v.服从,遵从,顺从

例句:He swore to obey the king.

6.farewell n.告别

例句:We do the rounds, bidding farewell to everyone at the centre.

1.General Robert E. Lee surrendered in early April, bringing an end to four years of fighting.

bring an end to结束,使完结

例句:They granted the second subsidy only on condition that the king himself went abroad to try to bring an end to the war.

2.But they were too small and too weak to continue the fight.

too to用法

在英语中,结构“too……to”为一固定句型,too后加adj或adv原形,too=more than enough表“过分之意”,to后加动词原形,一起构成动词不定短语作结果状语。该短语常用来表示否定意义,译作“太而不能” “太……以致于不能”此时句中的谓语不可用否定式,因不定式已表达了否定意义。

eg.  He  is  too  young  to join  the  army   。


    He reached the station too late to catch the train。


        The girl felt too sick to go to school。

        The woman is too old to carry thd box。



   eg.  She is too (=very)anxious to know the answer

      He is too eager to join the Youth League

The headmaster is too easy to get along with (校长非常平易近人 )

      You are nerver too old to learn (活到老学到老)

      He is only too pleased to help her(他只是太高兴了,才去帮她)

此时,在这种结构中,有时可以省去后面的不定式,eg  The cap is too big for me (省去to wear) 有时,句未的不定式可以换用一个介词短语,eg. The meat is too hard for eating(=to eat)。

3.He said the Confederates must give up their weapons and promise to fight no more.

no more not any more  no longer not any longer

(1) 用作副词表示时间上的“不再”,可用no longer, not…any longer, not…any more:

He knows that he is no longer young. 他知道自己不再年轻。

She could no longer go to school. 她不再能上学了。

This is no longer a distant dream. 这已不再是遥远的梦。

I can’t wait any longer. 我不能再等了。

I am not concerned with that matter any longer. 我不再和这事有关。

You won’t ever see her any more. 你不会再见到她。

no longer 通常位于句中的实意动词之前,动词be、助动词和情态动词之后,有时也可位于句末或句首(用于句首时,其后用倒装语序):

He no longer loves her. / He loves her no longer. / No longer does he love her. 他再也不爱她了。

【注】原来no more 也可表示时间上的“不再”(但要与非延续性动词连用,且位于句末),但在现代英语中,no more 一般不这样用。

(2) 以下各例中的more 和longer 分别为much 和long的比较级,此时两者不可混淆:

There is no more bread. 没有面包了。

The boy doesn’t want any more. 这孩子不想再要了。

This rope is no longer than that one. 这根绳子与那根绳子一样不长。

4.The few Confederate trains that escaped capture were worn out from heavy use.

worn out磨损至不能再使用的,筋疲力竭的

例句:These shirts are so worn out that they're hardly worth keeping.