Pittsburgh Enjoys its Day in the Sun

1.foresight n.远见, 深谋远虑

例句:There needs to be some foresight in preventing floods. It will be too late if we take action after it has happened.

2.renew v.使更新, 使恢复, 复兴, 修补, 补充, 继续, 重订, 重申, 续借

例句:The tenant and the land owner both agreed to renew their lease.

       The trees renew their foliage every spring.
3.highlight v.加亮, 使显著, 以强光照射, 突出

例句:The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family.

4.stable a.稳定的, 安定的, 坚固的, 坚定的

例句:We have enjoyed a stable economy for the last three years.

5.surplus n.剩余, 过剩, 盈余

例句:The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan.
6.outnumber vt.数目超过, 比...多

例句:The girls in the class outnumber the boys two to one.

7.setback n.挫折, 退步, 逆流

例句:We should take warning from this setback.

1.Pittsburgh has worked hard to rebuild itself -- and the world is taking notice.

take notice注意

例句:As he continued to talk, the public began to sit up and take notice.

2.Over the last five years, the city has reduced its public workforce and taken other steps like closing fire stations and swimming pools.

take steps【经】采取措施

例句:We mustn't fail to take steps against such diseases.
3.They point out that the finding was based on one air measurement taken in an industrial town that is not even in Pittsburgh.

point out指出

例句:We are going to point out discrepancies and figure them out today.