How We Are Connecting With Social Networks

1.evolving a. 进化的,展开的

2.prior a. 更重要的,较早的,在先的

例句:He said that he had no prior knowledge of the meeting.

3.current a. 流通的,现在的,最近的

例句:He stopped to think about his current situation.

4.compromise n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案,和解

例句:Regarding the salary, no compromise will be considered.

5.continuously ad. 连接地,不断地

例句:Our foreign trade is continuously expanding.

6.substantive a. 表示实在的,有实质的,独立的

7.spontaneous a. 自然的,自发的,未经琢磨的

例句:The eruption of a volcano is spontaneous.

1.Facebook said it had over two hundred fifty million active users as of July.

as of到…时候止,直到…

例句:As of last month,the number of those attending th proggram has reached 1,000.

2.Forrester Research says four out of five online adults use social media at least once a month.

four out of five是分数的表达方式,表示五分之四。

3.For couples in long-distance relationships, the main ways to communicate used to be phone calls, letters and visits.

used to过去常常

例句:We used to go to school on foot in the past.

4.Not everyone in the military, however, is at ease with social media.

at ease安逸,自在,无拘束,高枕无忧

例句:The dentist soon put the small girl at ease.