Christmas 2009 in America: A Joyful Season in Not So Joyful Times

1.Joyful a.欢喜的,高兴的,令人高兴的

例句:He was excited and joyful at the success.
      他因成功而激动欣喜。 vt.交换,调换,兑换;交流,交易

例句:They appointed a place to exchange experience.

3.appreciate vt.欣赏,鉴赏;正确评价,鉴别;感谢,感激

例句:I appreciate the effort, but the method you used isn't correct.

4.revise vt.校订,修正,校正

例句:The revised edition of the book is now out of print.

5.indication n.指示,象征,象征物

例句:He gave every indication of being a fool.

6.adopt v.采纳,采用;正式通过;领养

7.overflow vi.(使)泛滥,(使)溢出,(使)充溢

例句:Continuous rainstorms might cause the flood to overflow the bank.

1.And at the conclusion of the reading the bell is tolled at midnight and we then sing "Joy to the World."

at the conclusion of当...完结时

例句:We always present the parents with an information pack at the conclusion of the meeting.

2.For the most part, yes. We all have our times, but I do tend to have an optimistic attitude.

tend to注意,趋向

例句:We generally tend to overvalue money and undervalue art.

3.On Christmas Eve we lay out cookies and milk and carrots.

lay out安排,布置,摆好,展览;设计,规划

例句:He'll step in front of both Houses of Congress to lay out his goals for the year.