How a Family Helped Save American Folk Music

1.achievement n.完成,达到;成就,成绩

例句:This achievement stamps her as a genius.

2.preserve v.保护,保持,维护,保存,保藏,维持,腌,使流传,禁猎

例句:People should preserve children from being hurt.
      人们应保护儿童免于受害。 n.财产,所有权,性质

例句:The bankrupt had made over all his property to his wife.

4.honorary a.荣誉的,名誉的,道义上的

例句:The college gave the ambassador an honorary degree.

5.heritage n.遗产,祖先所留之物,继承物

例句:We set great store on the cultural heritage of the past.

6.compelling a.强制的,强迫性的,令人注目的

例句:The evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling.

7.revival n.复兴,复活,恢复精神,苏醒

例句:Their first album gave birth to the british music revival.

1.It contained not only the words to songs but some of the music as well.

not only but是not only,but also的变体。

As well是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and或but搭配使用。例:

He is a worker,and a poet as well.

China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals as well.

Mr.Liu can speak English,but he can speak Cantonese as well.

2.In exchange, he agreed to travel throughout the United States to make recordings that would become the property of the archive at the library.

in exchange for为了换取,作为对…的交换

例句:Wool from Britain may have been traded in exchange for wine.

而in exchange则一般用作状语。

3.And they were part of this very exciting groundbreaking work in the nineteen tens, twenties, thirties, into the forties and beyond, of showing the United States what it was, what it had in terms of grassroots cultural heritage.

in terms of根据,按照,用...的话,在...方面

例句:In terms of leather shoes and fashion, Italians are ahead of the field.
      意大利人走在皮鞋业和时尚领域的前沿。 that some of the whites wouldn't single him out and beat him up or whatever.

single out挑出,挑选出

例句:Jerry was singled out as the best student.