1. lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走
    eg: Don’t let anyone lead you by the nose, use your own judgment and do the right thing. 不要让人牵着鼻子走,自己有点主见,做该做的事情。

    2. hard-nosed adj.顽强的,不屈不挠的,不讲情面的

    3. pay through the nose 
    按字面解释,pay through the nose就是通过鼻子来付钱,这听起来似乎很痛苦,而实际上,pay through the nose的确切意思是付出比真正的价值高得多的钱,也可以说是付出的钱实在太多而让人感到心痛。eg: My brother Bob borrowed the money to open his restaurant five years ago when the interest rate was very high, so he’s been paying through the nose ever since.我哥哥鲍伯五年前借钱开饭馆的时候正好利率非常高,所以,他从那时起就一直在大笔大笔地还债。

    4. keep ones nose out of sth 避免插手(他人的事),尽量不卷入
    eg: When Billy asked his sister where she was going, she told him to keep his nose out of her business. 当比利问他姐姐要去哪里时,她让他别管她的事。

    5. nose around / about  找寻,打听(别人的事)
    eg: We found a man nosing around in our backyard.我们发现有个人在我们后院里找什么东西。

    6. nosy adj.好管闲事的,爱打听的
    eg: Don’t be so nosy —it’s none of your business.别管那么多闲事——这与你无关。

    7. keep ones nose to the grindstone连续辛勤地工作
    grindstone是"磨刀石"的意思。这个表达很形象,按字面意思来看,是说鼻子对着磨刀石。想象一下一个人低着头磨刀的样子,的确给人一种埋头苦干的直观印象啊。而且这个短语用动词keep表达一种持续的状态,把"埋头"的意思更生动地表达了出来。eg: These years those who’re keeping their nose to the grindstone can’t make bundles. 这年头,只会埋头苦干的人是挣不了什么大钱的。

    8. keep ones nose clean 循规蹈矩,不做违法的事
    eg: Since leaving prison, he’s man-aged to keep his nose clean. 自从出狱以来,他尽量做到规规矩矩。

    9. no skin of my nose不关我的事
    字面意思是:没有我鼻子上的皮。乍听起来让人有些摸不着头脑,这一俗语的实际意思是:……与我无关,我不在乎。eg: Hey, it’s no skin of my nose if Susie’s going out now with that guy! I don’t  care what she does —I broke up with her a month ago, when I met Helen. 嗨,苏茜现在是否跟那个家伙好,一起出去玩,这不关我的事!她干什么我都无所谓。我在遇到海伦以后就和她断了关系。

    10. cut off ones nose to spite ones face (恼怒之下)伤人害己,损人不利己
    eg: If you resign to inconvenience your boss, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. 如果你辞职就是为了给你的老板找麻烦的话,那就是吃砒霜药老虎,伤人害己了。

    据说,明代才子解缙幼年家住曹尚书府第竹园对面,在家门上贴了一副对联:"门对千竿竹,家藏万卷书。"曹尚书不忿自己的园景给他借用,于是叫人把竹砍短,最后索性全部砍去。解缙见了,随即把对联改为"门对千竿竹短无,家藏万卷书长有"。曹尚书不但没有难倒解缙,而且空自毁了自家的竹林,用英文来形容就是cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face。

    11. look down ones nose at 对……不屑一顾,蔑视
    eg: Harry has never had to work, and he looks down his nose at people in business. 哈里从不需要上班,他也看不起上班的人。

    12. turn up ones nose at看不上,觉得不屑于(要、吃、做等)
    eg: When I gave her the present, she turned up her nose at it.当我把礼物给她时,她很不屑。

    13. have ones nose in the air 非常傲慢,自高自大