
    Apple has launched a new version of its lowest-priced iPhone that has a faster processor and can connect to 5G wireless networks.

    It is the first upgrade to Apple's iPhone SE in nearly two years. The cost of the new device is $429, an increase over the SE's last price of $399. The new launch came during an online company presentation held Tuesday.
    这是苹果iPhone SE手机近两年来的首次升级。这款新手机的售价为429美元,比之前399美元的售价略有上涨。苹果公司在周二举行的线上发布会上推出了这款新手机。

    Apple says the SE's processor, which the company calls A15 Bionic, powers an improved camera system on the new device. The camera upgrades aim to make it easier for users to capture higher quality pictures, especially when available light is low.
    苹果公司表示,iPhone SE手机搭载该公司的A15 Bionic处理器,可以为这款新手机上得到升级的相机系统提供动力。这次相机升级旨在让用户更容易拍摄更高质量的照片,尤其是在光线不足的情况下。

    In addition, the iPhone SE was built with the same, strong glass material used in its costliest models, Apple announced. And the device is equipped with tools to help save battery power.
    此外苹果公司还宣布,iPhone SE手机采用了跟该公司最昂贵型号相同的坚固玻璃材料制造。并且这款手机还搭载了有助于节省电池电量的工具。

    But the phone's most appealing feature may be its ability to connect to 5G networks. 5G is the next generation in wireless communications technology. It promises faster upload and download speeds. The technology is designed to reduce communication delays and improve device performance, especially for activities like watching videos and playing games.

    In the United States, the availability of 5G service is still limited. But mobile phone service providers have announced plans to keep increasing 5G availability.

    Currently, only Apple's iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 models are equipped to work with 5G networks. Those devices cost much more money. The iPhone 12 starts at $599, while the lowest cost iPhone 13 sells for $699.
    苹果公司目前只有iPhone 12和iPhone 13机型支持5G网络。这些手机型号售价更贵。iPhone 12的起价为599美元,而最便宜的iPhone 13型号售价为699美元。

    Industry experts say Apple's last offering of 5G iPhones led many users to upgrade from older devices in hopes of getting faster connections. For example, the iPhone 13 proved to be a hot seller last year. The sales pushed Apple ahead of competitor Samsung to become the world's top seller of smartphones during the final three months of last year, research group IDC reported.
    业内专家表示,苹果公司上次推出5G版本的iPhone手机让很多用户从旧手机升级,以希望获得更快的网络连接。例如,iPhone 13在去年被证明是热销产品。据研究机构IDC报道,去年最后3个月的销量推动苹果公司超越竞争对手三星成为全球智能手机销量第一。

    Apple chief Tim Cook said at the company's launch event, "We are excited for the new iPhone SE to build on this momentum." The latest iPhone SE will be available in stores March 18.
    苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克在公司的发布会上表示,“我们希望新款iPhone SE手机能够在这一势头的基础上再接再厉。”最新款iPhone SE手机将于3月18日在商店发售。

    Dan Ives is with the American-based investment company Wedbush Securities. He told The Associated Press he expects Apple to sell 30 million of the latest iPhone SE models over the next year. He said the new model can help fill a need among users who currently own one of an estimated 225 million iPhones that are at least three years old. Many of those users will want to buy a less costly model, Ives added.
    丹·艾凡斯就职于美国投资公司Wedbush Securities。他对美联社表示,预计苹果公司未来一年将能售出3000万部新款iPhone SE机型。他说,这款新机型可以帮助满足2.25亿位旧iPhone手机已经至少使用3年的老用户的需求。艾凡斯还说,这些用户中的许多人都希望购买售价更低的机型。

    Tuong Nguyen follows the smartphone market for Gartner, an American technology research and advisory company. He said although Apple does not make as much from selling iPhone SEs as it does from pricier models, it can still bring in revenue. That is because iPhone users are more likely to buy subscriptions to other Apple services, such as music, movies, television shows and games.
    阮祥为顾能公司追踪智能手机市场,这是一家美国技术研究和咨询公司。他说,虽然苹果公司销售iPhone SE不如更贵的机型赚钱,但是它仍然可以带来收入。这是因为iPhone用户更有可能购买其它的苹果订阅服务,例如音乐、电影、电视节目以及游戏。

    "It's always nice when Apple can get you to buy a new phone," Nguyen said. "But it's even better when they can get you to subscribe...because that turns into recurring revenue."

    Apple also announced the launch of an upgraded iPad Air that features a new design, 5G connectivity and a faster processing chip used in the company's MacBooks. The new iPad Air, priced at $599, will be available March 18.
    苹果公司还宣布推出升级版的iPad Air,它采用全新设计、5G网络以及该公司Macbooks中用到的更快的处理器。这款售价为599美元的新款iPad Air将于3月18日上市。

    Also presented at the company's event was a new high performance computer designed for musicians, video editors and filmmakers. The system, called Mac Studio, will cost between $2,000 to $4,000 for the main processor. A high-quality 27-inch monitor will cost another $1,600. It will also be available March 18.
    在苹果公司的发布会上还展示了一款为音乐家、视频编辑和电影制作人设计的新型高性能电脑。这款名为Mac Studio的主机系统售价在2000到4000美元之间。高质量27英寸显示器将另外花费1600美元。它也将于3月18日上市。

    I'm Bryan Lynn.