
    From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report.

    The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland prepares young men and women to become officers in the navy or Marine Corps. The school was established in 1845 on a land where a military fort once stood. Students are called midshipmen.

    The Naval Academy provides undergraduates four years of study in 25 major areas. Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics are especially popular.

    Many Naval Academy graduates have become important American Leaders. Former President Jimmy Carter, for example, was a midshipman. Senator John McCain, a former presidential candidate also graduated from the school.
    许多美国海军学院的毕业生已经成为了美国重要领导人。举例说,美国前总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)曾是海军学校学员。作为前总统候选人的参议员约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)也毕业于该校。

    Foreign students also attend the Naval Academy. Currently, there are about 60 of them. David Ochy is from Panama. He notes some difficulties with life in a new country.
    外国学生也就读了美国海军学院。目前该校有60名外国学生。David Ochy来自巴拿马。他指出了在一个新的国家的一些生活困难。

    "Leaving the comfort zone of your country, to come here to a culture and language completely different from your own and adapt, has been a challenge," said Ochy.

    Student Santiago Gonzalez-Ayer of Spain says the academy has helped him feel more a part of a new culture.
    西班牙学生圣地亚哥·冈萨雷斯-艾尔(Santiago Gonzalez-Ayer)表示,该学院帮助他更好地融入新的文化。

    "It opens a cultural horizon so that one understands American culture better, and is more involved in the culture," said Gonzalez-Ayer.

    The Naval Academy says its job is to develop a student skills, character and understanding of others. International program director Tim Disher says, the U.S. Navy gains from the academy's acceptance of foreign students. He says this is especially true in a world increasingly connected through technology.
    美国海军学院表示,其职能是开发学生的技能、性格以及对他人的了解。国际项目总监蒂姆·蒂舍(Tim Disher)表示,美国海军从该学院接受外国留学生中受益良多。他说,在通过科技日益相连的这样一个世界中尤其如此。

    Tim Disher graduated from the Naval Academy in 1981. He says, at that time, only top officers worked with foreign officers and foreign navies. But he says, this is no longer true.

    "We're a smaller navy and our students, even as midshipmen, have the ability to make an impact with our foreign partners. We are creating young ambassadors ...right off the bat, right after they get commissioned."

    He says, the exchange program also helps American midshipmen understand the wide world.

    Paul Angelo graduated from the academy in 2006. He praises the foreign exchange program.
    保罗·安杰洛(Paul Angelo)于2006年从该学院毕业。他赞扬了这一外国交流项目。

    "It's important that our allies know exactly how we function or operate as a military," said Angelo.

    Midshipman Gonzalez Ayer plans to return to Spain and serve as a naval officer after finishing at the Naval Academy. David Ochy wants to work as an ocean engineer when he goes home to Panama.
    海军学校学员冈萨雷斯-艾尔计划在美国海军学院毕业后回到西班牙担任海军军官。David Ochy想要在回到巴拿马后担任海洋工程师。

    And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report. Visit our website at 51voa.com to test your English Language skills with our quizzes. You can also comment on our programs there, or send us an email to learningenglish@voanews.com. And remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. I'm Bob Doughty.
    以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语教育报道的全部内容。请访问我们的网站51voa.com,通过我们的测验测试你的英语语言能力。你也可以在该网站就我们的节目发表评论。或发送电子邮件到learningenglish@voanews.com。记得在Facebook、Twitter和YouTube上关注我们。我是鲍勃·道蒂(Bob Doughty)。(51VOA.COM对本文翻译保留全部权利,未经授权请勿转载,违者必究!)