
    This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

    South Africa plans to test fifteen million people for H.I.V. by June of next year. That is almost one-third of its population.

    South Africa has the most people living with H.I.V. of any nation. The number of infected men, women and children is estimated at more than five and a half million -- or eleven percent of the population.

    President Jacob Zuma launched the testing campaign on Sunday in Johannesburg. He announced the results of his latest blood test for H.I.V.
    南非总统雅各布·祖马(Jacob Zuma)周日在约翰内斯堡启动一项(艾滋病病毒)检测活动,并公布了自己最新的艾滋病病毒的血液检测结果。

    JACOB ZUMA: "My April results, like the three previous ones, registered a negative outcome."
    雅各布·祖马(Jacob Zuma):“和前三次一样,我4月测试的结果呈阴性。”

    He said he was sharing the results to support openness and understanding.

    JACOB ZUMA: "We have to work harder together to fight the perceptions and the stigma. We have to make all South Africans that people living with H.I.V. have not committed any crime."

    The country's former president, Thabo Mbeki, was known for the unaggressive way his government dealt with AIDS. He questioned whether H.I.V. even caused the disease.
    南非前总统塔博·姆贝基 (Thabo Mbeki)领导的政府在应对艾滋病方面没有采取任何有利举措。他甚至质疑H.I.V病毒是否会导致(艾滋病)这种疾病。

    The new testing and counseling campaign will start at a single location in each of South Africa's nine provinces this month. The program will be expanded every two months until fifty-two health centers are offering the service.

    The government says it will also expand treatment and support services.

    Francois Venter is a senior director in the Reproductive Health and HIV Research Unit at the University of Witwatersrand. He says the testing campaign may put additional stress on the health system, but that will show where the weaknesses are. He says knowing which areas of the system are going to cause future problems will make the effort worthwhile, even if the goal of fifteen million is not reached.
    弗朗索·瓦文特尔(Francois Venter)是威特沃特斯兰德大学的生殖健康和艾滋病毒研究组的高级主管。他说,这次检测活动将给医疗系统带来新的压力,但是也能揭示出其薄弱点。他说,了解医疗系统的哪个环节可能在将来出问题,将使这些努力物有所值,即使未能达到1500万的目标。

    The South Africa National AIDS Council is heading the campaign. The council includes government representatives, medical experts and health activists. The theme of the campaign is "I am responsible. We are responsible. South Africa is taking responsibility."

    Along with H.I.V., South Africa also has high rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and tuberculosis. Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says the campaign will be used to improve all health care. People who get tested for H.I.V. will also get other services including screening for blood pressure, blood sugar and TB.
    除艾滋病毒外,南非糖尿病,高血压和肺结核的患病率也非常高。卫生部长阿伦·莫索阿莱迪(Aaron Motsoaledi)表示,这场活动将改善所有健康状况。接受艾滋病毒测试的人也将接受包括血压,血糖和肺结核筛查等服务。

    This June the eyes of the football world will be on South Africa when it becomes the first African country to host the World Cup.