
    It took 15 hours for 400 French firefighters to put out the fire at the 850-year-old Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral.

    The cathedral, one of Paris's most famous landmarks, lost its spire and roof, but still has its iconic bell towers.

    The Crown of Thorns, one of the cathedral's treasures, was rescued. The crown is believed to have been worn by Jesus Christ at the time of his crucifixion. Other religious statues were removed last week from the cathedral roof as part of the restoration of the church's spire.

    Officials said the world famous 18th century organ that has 8,000 pipes also appeared to have survived. But no one can tell whether it has been damaged by water or will need to be restored. There is also little information on the condition of the cathedral's stained-glass windows and its many paintings.

    A spokesman for Paris's firefighters said on Tuesday morning, "the entire fire is out." He added that workers were "surveying the movement" of the structure and the contents in it.

    The Archbishop of Paris Michel Aupetit told RMC radio, "Notre-Dame was destroyed but the soul of France was not."
    巴黎大主教米切尔·欧贝迪(Michel Aupetit)对RMC电台表示:“圣母院被烧毁了,但是法国的灵魂还在。”

    Officials consider the fire to be an accident, possibly as a result of the restoration work at the cathedral. However, investigators will be interviewing people who worked on the cathedral's roof, where the flames first started.

    French President Emmanuel Macron visited the site on the River Seine Monday night. He pledged that Notre-Dame would be rebuilt. He called the structure "a part of us," referring to the country of France, and he asked for help repairing it.

    Germany and Poland were among the countries that offered assistance.

    "We are united in sorrow. Notre-Dame is part of the cultural heritage of mankind and a symbol for Europe," German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas wrote on Twitter.
    德国外长马斯(Heiko Maas)在推特上写道:“我们在悲伤中团结一致。巴黎圣母院是人类文化遗产的一部分,也是欧洲的象征。”

    French businessmen have also pledged hundreds of millions of euros for reconstruction, including Bernard Arnault, France's richest businessman, and Francois-Henri Pinault and his billionaire father Francois Pinault.
    法国富商们还承诺出资数亿欧元用于重建,其中包括法国最富有的商人伯纳德·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault),以及弗朗索瓦·亨利·皮诺特(Francois-Henri Pinault)和他亿万富翁的父亲弗朗索瓦·皮诺特(Francois Pinault)。

    Even so, repairing the cathedral — including the wooden beams that made up its roof — presents problems.

    Bertrand de Feydeau is the vice president of preservation group Fondation du Patrimoine. In an interview with the Associated Press, he noted that the cathedral's roof cannot be rebuilt exactly as it was before the fire because "we don't, at the moment, have trees on our territory of the size that were cut in the 13th century." He added that the roof restoration work would have to use new technologies.
    贝特兰·德·费杜(Bertrand de Feydeau)是法国文化遗产基金会的副总裁。他在接受美联社采访时指出,大教堂的屋顶不能完全像火灾前那样重建,因为“现在我们国家的领土上没有13世纪切割的那么大的树木。”他还说,屋顶修复工作势必要采用新技术。

    For Olivier Lebib, who has lived in Paris for 40 years, it is necessary for the cathedral to be restored to its former glory.
    对在巴黎已经生活40年的奥利维耶·拉比卜(Olivier Lebib)来说,大教堂必须恢复昔日的辉煌。

    "Notre-Dame is our sister, it is so sad, we are all mourning — Parisians, French people, tourists, the Chinese, the whole planet," he said. "Thank God that the stone structure has withstood the fire."

    I'm John Russell.