
    This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

    Violent protests spread across the Arab World and other areas Friday over a private video produced in the United States. Crowds targeted American and western embassies as opposition to the film continued to grow. Three days earlier, armed militants killed the American ambassador to Libya and three other Americans in an attack in Benghazi, Libya.

    The low budget film "The Innocence of Muslims" makes fun of Islam. It shows the Prophet Mohammed as a womanizer and a terrorist. The video reportedly was made in California.
    低预算电影《The Innocence of Muslims》嘲笑伊斯兰教,影片将先知穆罕默德演为好色之徒和恐怖分子。据报道该影片是在加州制作的。

    It remains unclear who made the video. Some news organizations have linked the film to a fifty-five year old Egyptian Coptic Christian who lives in California. They say he recently served a prison sentence for illegal financial activities.

    The suspected director of the film spoke with Radio Sawa. He said any claim of government involvement in the making of the movie is funny, and that America has nothing to do with the film. He also criticized the protesters. He said Arabs "have to learn to demonstrate peacefully against the issues on which we disagree." He also said he was saddened by the deaths, but he did not regret making the film.

    "The Innocence of Muslims" was publicized by American clergyman Terry Jones. In recent years, his actions against the Quran, Islam's holy book, incited violence in Afghanistan.
    《The Innocence of Muslims》是由美国牧师特里·琼斯公布的。最近几年,他反对伊斯兰圣书《古兰经》的行为在阿富汗煽动起了暴力。

    The protests against the film began Tuesday on the eleventh anniversary of the Two Thousand One terror attacks on the United States. In Cairo, the demonstrations began peacefully, until a few protesters broke through the American embassy walls and replaced the American flag with a Muslim one. Later Tuesday, a crowd attacked the American consulate in Benghazi, killing the four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
    针对该影片的示威活动始于周二,这天是2001年针对美国恐怖袭击的11周年。在开罗,示威以和平开始,直到少数示威者冲破美国使馆围墙,用穆斯林旗帜替换了美国国旗。周二晚些时候,一群人袭击了美国驻班加西领事馆,杀害了4名美国人,其中包括大使克里斯·史蒂文斯(Chris Stevens)。

    There were reports that the attack was well planned since it took place on September eleventh. The Obama administration has not commented on these reports. However, intelligence officials have investigated the possible involvement of al-Qaida in the film. But they say there is not much evidence to support this idea.

    On Wednesday, President Obama condemned the attacks on the American embassies.

    PRESIDENT OBAMA: "We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts."

    Chris Stevens had served as America's ambassador to Libya since May. He had served as America's representative to the country during the revolution against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. He recorded this message earlier this year.
    史蒂文斯自5月开始担任美国驻利比亚大使。在利比亚反对该国领导人穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi)的革命期间,他曾作为美国驻利比亚代表。

    CHRIS STEVENS: "A Salaam Alaikum, my name is Chris Stevens, and I'm the new US Ambassador to Libya. I had the honor to serve as the US envoy to the Libyan opposition during the revolution. And I was thrilled to watch the Libyan people stand up and demand their rights. Now, I'm excited to return to Libya to continue the great work we've started. Building a solid partnership between the United States and Libya, to help you, the Libyan people, achieve their goals..."
    史蒂文斯:“和平与你同在(Salaam Alaikum,阿拉伯人常见问候语),我的名字叫克里斯·史蒂文斯,我是新来的美国驻利比亚大使。在革命期间,我有幸作为驻利比亚反对派的美国特使。我激动地看到了利比亚人民站起来要求得到他们的权利。现在我很高兴重返利比亚继续这项我们开始的伟大工作,建立美国和利比亚之间的牢固伙伴关系,以帮助你,帮助利比亚人民实现他们的目标......”

    Ambassador Stevens was said to be popular in Libya. In the nineteen eighties, he taught English in Morocco as a Peace Corps volunteer.
