1010 religiously

今天我们要学的词是religiously。 Religiously, 在口语里,指雷打不动地坚持做某件事情。我朋友Adam干什么事都很认真。他是湖人队球迷。 "He watches Lakers' games religiously," 湖人队比赛他每场必看。他决心减肥,不知从哪找来一份减肥食谱。 "He followed the diet menu religiously," 一丝不苟地按照食谱的要求做。光节食还不行,他还开始长跑。 "He runs five miles every day religiously," 每天一定要跑五英里。Adam 特别偏爱苹果公司的产品。 "He buys all of Apple's new products religiously," 苹果公司的每件新产品他会去买。好的,今天我们学习的词是 religiously...
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