1025 part ways

今天我们要学的词是part ways。 To part ways, 意思是分开,分道扬镳。 "The celebrity couple parted ways recently," 这对明星伴侣最新分手了。 "The world No. 1 golfer Tiger Woods parted ways with his swing coach of six years," 世界排名第一的高尔夫球选手老虎.伍兹跟他六年的挥杆教练结束了合作关系。 "The hip hop group decided to part ways with its record company," 这个嘻哈组合决定脱离现在签约的唱片公司。 "He never parts ways with his laptop, even on vacations," 他去哪都要带着手提电脑,渡假期间也不例外。好的,今天我们学习的词是part ways...
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