1029 jump ship

今天我们要学的词是jump ship。 To jump ship, 意思是跳槽。 "LeBron James decision to jump ship was not unexpected," 勒布朗.詹姆斯决定跳槽并不意外。

"John didn't like his new boss and jumped ship the first chance he got," 约翰不喜欢自己的新老板,所以一有机会就跳槽了。 "Staff are jumping ship left and right after the management shakeup," 高层主管大变动后,很多员工都跳了槽。 "He was tempted to jump ship when the recruiting company offered to double his salary," 想把他挖走的那家公司提出给他两倍工资,让他在是否要跳槽的问题上非常动心。好的,今天我们学习的词是jump ship...

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