1033 heyday

今天我们要学的词是heyday。 Heyday, 意思是最强盛的时期。 "In the firm's heyday it employed over 5,000 employees," 这家公司鼎盛期,员工有五千多人。 "The group sold millions of records in its heyday," 这个组合最火爆的时候,卖出过数百万张唱片。 "Some people argue that the United States' heyday was in the late 20th century," 有人认为,美国的鼎盛时期是二十世纪晚期。 "Many worry that their heyday is over after they reach their 50s," 许多人担心,年纪一过五十岁,就要走下坡路了。好的,今天我们学习的词是heyday...
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