1044 venue

今天我们要学的词是venue。 Venue, 是地点、场所的意思。 "The defense lawyer requested a change of venue so that the defendant could get a fair trial," 辩护律师要求更换开庭地点,以便被告得到公正审判。美国前总统克林顿的女儿切尔西.克林顿上周末举行婚礼,保安异常严密。 "The airspace above the venue was designated as a no-fly zone," 婚礼举行地点的上空被限定为禁飞区。 "Some sports venues in Philadelphia were cited in routine inspections for violation of health requirements," 例行检查发现费城的几个体育场馆违反了卫生方面的要求。好的,今天我们学习的词是venue...
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