1067 low-key

今天我们要学的词是low-key。 Low-key, 低调的,不张扬的。 "The actor leads a low-key life off screen," 这个演员在银幕背后的日常生活中十分低调。 "Pop singer Britney Spears is reportedly planning to get married and she wants a low-key wedding," 流行歌手布兰妮据说准备结婚,想要举行一个低调的婚礼 。"The boxer made a low-key comeback out of retirement," 这名拳击手退役后低调复出。 "The candidate adopted a low-key approach to his campaign," 这名候选人采取了低调的竞选方式。好的,今天我们学习的词是low-key...
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