1069 obsessed

今天我们要学的词是obsessed。 Obsessed, 一门心思的,沉迷于。 "My girlfriend is obsessed with buying handbags," 我女朋友买包上瘾。 "One of my co-workers is obsessed with social networks," 我有一个同事整天沉迷于社交网站。 "The singer admitted to being obsessed with losing weight when she was a teenager," 这个歌星承认自己十几岁的时候一心就想着减肥。 "Obsessed fans lined up at bookstores throughout the night to be the first ones to read the new book," 疯狂的粉丝们彻夜在书店门口大排长龙,只为能先买到新书,一睹为快。好的,今天我们学习的词是obsessed...
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