1073 workplace

今天我们要学的词是workplace。 Workplace, 工作场所。 "SeaWorld Orlando was fined $75,000 for workplace safety violations," 奥兰多的海洋世界因为违反工作场所的安全规定,被罚款七万五千美元。有关数据显示, "Claims of discrimination against Muslims in the workplace rose to 1,490 last year," 穆斯林在工作场所受歧视的申诉案例去年升至1490例。一项最新调查结果显示, "One third of Americans have been bullied in the workplace," 三分之一的美国人在工作场所都有过受别人欺负的经历。好的,今天我们学习的词是workplace...
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