1097 show up

今天我们要学的词是show up。 To show up, 意思是到场。 "The defendant failed to show up in court due to health reasons," 被告因健康原因没有出庭。 "Thousands of people showed up at the two-day event," 这次为期两天的活动吸引了数千人参加。距离美国国会中期选举只有两周了,民主党选民的热情不及共和党人。 "Only half of the people who voted for President Obama in 2008 say they will definitely show up to cast their ballots," 2008年投票支持奥巴马当总统的选民中,只有半数的人表示一定会去参加投票。好的,今天我们学习的词是show up...
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