1098 off-duty

今天我们要学的词是off-duty。 Off-duty, 意思是下班后的,不当班的。 "An off-duty detective was killed during a dispute over a parking space," 一个刑警下班后因为停车位跟人发生争执,被打死。 "An off-duty customs officer was arrested for possession of heroin," 一个海关工作人员在非值勤的时间里,因为携带卡洛因被逮捕。 "An off-duty police officer saved the life of a choking man in a restaurant," 一个警察下班后在餐馆吃饭时,救了一个吃饭噎到的人。 "Two off-duty paramedics saved a man who suffered a heart attack," 两个下班后的医护人员救了一个心脏病突发者的性命。好的,今天我们学习的词是off-duty...
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