1103 attack ad

今天我们要学的词是attack ad。 Attack, 是攻击,ad 是广告,把这两个词连在一起,attack ad意思就是带有攻击性的广告片。 "Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts was criticized in a new attack ad for dancing around the issues," 麻萨诸塞州的国会众议员巴尼·弗兰克在一个新的攻击性广告中,被指责在重要议题上摇摆不定。 "An Iowa TV station refused to air an attack ad targeting U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley," 爱奥华州一家电视台拒绝播放一个批评美国国会参议员查克.格拉斯利的攻击性广告。好的,今天我们学习的词是attack ad...
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