1108 toss-up

今天我们要学的词是toss-up。 Toss-up, 意思是胜负机会各半,胜负难分的事情。球队首发投球手肩膀受伤。 "Whether he can play in the next game is a toss-up," 下场比赛能否上场很难讲。 "The governor’s race is a toss-up," 这次州长竞选目前还难分胜负。 "It’s still a toss-up whether the current governor will win or lose," 现任州长会输还是会赢很难说。 "The match is a toss-up between the two great teams," 这场比赛两个队都很厉害,比赛结果鹿死谁手还很难说。 "California is a toss-up state in this year’s mid-term election," 在今年国会中期选举中,加州直到最后一刻都不确定谁会胜出。好的,今天我们学习的词是 toss-up...
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