1149 designated driver

今天我们要学的词是designated driver。 Designated driver, 指定司机。在美国,一群朋友出去派对,往往会指定其中一个人为designated driver此人不能喝酒,保证玩完了以后开车送大家回家,可谓牺牲我一个,幸福一帮人。 "John offered to be the designated driver for the New Year Eve party," 约翰主动提出愿意当除夕夜派对的指定司机。 "If you don't have a designated driver, you can always call a cab," 如果没有指定司机,你总可以坐计程车回家。除夕夜出去喝酒的朋友, "Don't forget to have a designated driver," 好的,今天我们学习的词是designated driver...
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