1172 charter

今天我们要学的词是charter。 Charter, 有包租的意思。 "The major multi-car pileup was caused by a charter bus," 这起严重连环车祸是由一辆包租的大客车引起的。 "The airline significantly expanded its charter service clientele in the past year," 过去一年里,这家航空公司包租服务的客户显著增加。

鉴于埃及的动荡局势,美国从星期一开始用包机,协助美国公民离开埃及。美国国务院的一位负责人说, "We will keep running the charter flights until we get all the people out," 我们的包机会一架接着一架地飞,直到所有人都撤离为止。好的,今天我们学习的词是charter...
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