1173 paramedic

今天我们要学的词是paramedic。 Paramedic, 急救医务工作者。 "Paramedics arrived at the scene within 10 minutes after receiving the 911 call," 接到求救电话十分钟内,急救医务人员就赶到了事发现场。

苏格兰的一个登山者从山顶上摔下来,沿着满是岩石的山坡滑落一千英尺,正好被一架途径那里的军用飞机看到。 "Paramedics didn't expect him to be alive when they got there, let alone standing up reading a map," 急救人员赶到时,根本没想到他能死里逃生,更不用说好好地站在那里看地图了。好的,今天我们学习的词是paramedic...
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