1215 age limit

今天我们要学的词是age limit。 Age limit, 年龄限制。社交网站脸书网并不是任何人都能注册帐户的。 "Facebook enforces an age limit of 13 years or older to register an account," 脸谱网规定,只有满13岁的人才能注册帐户。 "Despite the efforts to enforce the age limit policy, many younger children still join the site by lying about their age," 尽管脸谱网努力执行年限规定,但很多不满13岁的孩子还是谎报年龄,蒙混过关。 "Facebook removes about 20,000 users daily who are below the age limit," 脸谱网每天取消大约两万个年龄低于最低年限的帐户。 好的,今天我们学习的词是age limit...
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