1218 broker

今天我们要学的词是broker。 Broker, 做为动词,是中介促成的意思。前埃及部长级官员因为涉嫌腐败而接受审判。 "A former Egyptian housing minister was involved in a corrupt land deal which was allegedly brokered by an Emirate businessman," 埃及前住房部长参与了一项腐败的土地交易,这项交易据说是由一个阿拉伯联合酋长国的商人中介促成的。 "The company that brokered a deal for Britney Spear's fragrance line sued the singer for 10 million dollars," 做为中间人帮助歌手小甜甜布兰妮推出她个人香水品牌的公司对布兰妮提出起诉,索赔一千万美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是broker...
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