1230 discount

今天我们要学的词是discount。 Discount, 做名词用,有折价的意思。 "I bought the dress at a 50% discount," 我这条裙子是五折买的。 "We made room reservations at a five-star hotel for our class reunion and even got a group discount," 我们同学聚会在一家五星级酒店订的房间,而且还拿到了团体打折价。

最近一段时间,美国汽油价格飞涨。 "Many Americans who live along the Mexican border are driving over looking for deep discounts," 很多住在美墨边境附近的美国人都开车到墨西哥去加便宜得多的油。好的,今天我们学习的词是discount...
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