1245 would-be

今天我们要学的词是would-be。 Would-be, 意思是希望成为的,即将成为的。 "The store manager wrestled the would-be robber to the ground," 商店经理跟劫匪搏斗,把劫匪摔倒在地。 "Would-be buyers disagreed about whether the housing market has reached its rock bottom," 想买房子的人在房屋市场是否已经触底的问题上存在分歧。美国喜剧演员杰瑞.宋飞把自己30年的作品全都放到网上。 "Seinfeld says that he is offering the site to young would-be comedians," 宋飞说,这个网站是开给那些希望成为喜剧演员的年轻人的。好的,今天我们学习的词是would-be...
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