1247 take a potshot

今天我们要学的词是take a potshot。 To take a potshot, 意思是抨击,指责。美国前国会众议院议长金里奇宣布参选总统后,马上在重要议题上表明立场。 "Presidential contender Newt Gingrich took a potshot at GOP's proposal to reform Medicare, calling it too radical," 总统提名参选人金里奇抨击共和党的医保改革提案,认为提案太过激进。经证实,艾什顿.库奇将替代被炒鱿鱼的演员查理.辛,出演“好汉两个半”。 "Charlie Sheen took a potshot at the producers after the news came out," 消息传出后,查理.辛炮轰节目制作人。好的,今天我们学习的词是take a potshot...
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