1267 malicious

今天我们要学的词是malicious。 Malicious, 恶意的。"The International Monetary Fund became the latest victim to a malicious hackers' attack," 国际货币基金组织成为恶意骇客攻击的最新受害者。

就在不久前, "Malicious hackers were able to steal 200,000 CitiGroup cardholders' information from its website," 心怀不轨的骇客入侵花旗集团网站,盗取了20万个信用卡用户的信息。微软公司警告用户不要随便从网上下载软件, "About one in 14 programs downloaded by Microsoft users is malicious," 微软用户下载的14个软件里就有大约一个是有害的。好的,今天我们学习的词是malicious...
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