1293 bolster

今天我们要学的词是bolster。 Bolster, 是加强,支持的意思。 "The UN Security Council is sending a new peacekeeping force in order to bolster South Sudan, which marked its independence on July 9th," 为支持7月9日新独立的南苏丹, 联合国会向该国派遣维和部队。 "Italian lawmakers were working to bolster the 48-billion-euro austerity measures and fast-track its approval by parliament," 意大利议员们努力寻求对480亿欧元银根紧缩计划的支持,让议会加快通过议案的速度。 "Japan plans to conduct "stress tests" on its nuclear plants in order to bolster public confidence," 日本计划对核电站进行压力测试,增强公众信心。好的,今天我们学习的词是bolster...
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