1304 confront

今天我们要学的词是confront。Confront, 对峙。 "Both candidates are well qualified. We're confronted with a difficult choice," 两位候选人都很合格,我们很难做选择。 "Jackie spread rumors behind my back. I've decided to confront her and see what she has to say," Jackie在背后造我的谣,我决定当面质问她,看她怎么说。

美国国防部不久前公布了第一份网络空间安全战略。 "Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta called cyberspace 'an area in which we're going to confront increasing threats in the future,'" 国防部长里奥.帕内塔称网络空间是“一个我们今后将面对越来越多威胁的领域。”好的, 今天我们学习的词是confront...
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